Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thank you Judith and Linda

Judith Richards Shubert of Tennessee Memories and Linda Ellis of Exploring almost forgotten gravesites in Ohio have awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you both, and thank you especially for all the pleasure and education I get from your blogs. I am passing the award on to seven Graveyard Rabbit bloggers; this was difficult due to the high level of creativity and the educational value of so many Graveyard Rabbit sites (following all these sites provides an amazing education in cemetery lore). Here are the seven GYRabbits I have nominated:

1. Diane Wright at The Graveyard Rabbit Travels Wright
2. Cheryl Hoover Davis at The Graveyard Rabbit of the Runnells Iowa Area
3. Cheryl Palmer at The Graveyard Rabbit of South Alameda County
4. Lisa Burks at Adventures in Grave Hunting
5. Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard Rabbit
6. The Philadelphia Graveyard Rabbit
7. Brenda Kay Wolfgram Moore at Grand Traverse & Leelanau Counties Cemetery

[I can't seem to leave a comment on Brenda's website; if anyone knows how, I would appreciate help. If not, I hope Brenda sees this!]

Since this Award may have reached the point where it is winding down a bit, I am posting a general form of the rules here under which you are not obligated to make further nominations, but if you would like to nominate one or more blogs, feel free to do so as follows:

1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
[If you wish to nominate other blogs]
3. Nominate other bloggers.
4. Link to those sites on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominate.