Saturday, February 20, 2010

Unbelievable – What Can Be Done?

Incredible … you are not going to believe this … please check out Ruther Coker Burks’ Graveyard Rabbit blog, last2cu. She made a shocking find yesterday and has a short deadline for figuring out what to do about what may very well be her great-grandmother’s tomb, left exposed by the lowering of a lake into which a developer had thrown what remained of a family cemetery back during the Depression. If any of you Graveyard Rabbits or others who are knowledgeable about these matters know what Ruth can and should do, please advise her.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery: James and Beatrice Day

James & Beatrice
1894 DAY 1908

Infant children of
George W. &
Lillie A. Day

Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery: George Kuntz and Julie H., his wife

George Kuntz
June 9, 1836
Feb. 21, 1919

Julie H., his wife
Nov. 6, 1846
Sept. 29, 1916